Published books by the Author: When Love is Not Enough, Call of the Sea, Eleven Years Afloat.
Author website:
Books in Process: Rostock, City by the Sea
Welcome, Peter. Would you like to tell us something about how and why you started to write?
Growing up in the years of the Third Reich in Germany and during WWII, provided me with memories, which remain fresh on my mind. The ultimate destruction of my homeland, the post war years, my emigration to Ecuador and then resettling in New York, combined to a story worth telling. My first published work, CALL OF THE SEA, was followed by ELEVEN YEARS AFLOAT. Both books tell of my sailing adventures, the boats, the islands, the weather, two shipwrecks, and the people I met.
Chronologically first, ROSTOCK, CITY BY THE SEA, the Story of a Young German, is only now in production. WHEN LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH, a New York love story, was just published in April.
I approached writing the story of my youth, originally named REMEMBERING ROSTOCK, based on my very clear memories. My sailing adventures I wrote following the notes and logbooks maintained during the voyages. WHEN LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH is based on my intimate knowledge of the city of New York and the corporate world of Manhattan.
Will I continue writing? I hope so. What started as hobby, developed into a marketable product. It still basically is a hobby, because I love to write. By coincidence I stumbled upon Outskirts Press, and I am glad I did. It is the publishing company with a friendly, helpful staff that gives me all the assistance I need to bring my work to the reading public.
Thank you, Peter, for your time and wonderful books.
Interviewer: Kaye Trout - May 27, 2006 - Copyright
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