Author: Susan Shaw
Author’s website address:
Published books by the Author: Eleanor, Dreams or Serenity – both these books are in paperback format and hardback large print. House of Serenity - paperback and Too Many Wasted Years - paperback.
Books in Process: All I ask of you, Where the love stopped and the hurt began, Lasting Trauma, One more chance.
Welcome Susan.
1. When and why did you begin writing?
I started putting pen to paper for my first book, Eleanor in 1994. It was something since my teens I had wanted to do.
2. What inspired you to write your first book?
My Father’s death and things that came to light of his past as a result of that.
3. How did you approach writing your first book?
Writing a brief outline of the book then putting into sentences which formed each chapter to be written. I had to do some research on places and clothing styles etc. for certain dates, which at that time I used the local library.
4. Who or what influenced your writing?
My Father’s story initially, then for subsequent stories the ideas suddenly spring to mind and although I may use character outlines from people I know it all is fiction.
5. Why do you continue to write?
Because the stories are in my head and need to come out to be put on paper. I really enjoy writing.
6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?
I would like to be a success with the mainstream publishers and go as far as I can with writing. I am currently writing a different genre to usual and want to be able to look at different things to write about in the future. I have written children’s book but done nothing with these, but would like to one day.
7. What has been your experience as a published writer?
It is delightful to hold your first published book. I feel proud that I have achieved becoming a published writer.
8. How do you promote your book(s)?
Local shops, library, internet and word of mouth.
9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?
Don’t give up at the first rejection, you have to keep trying and trying. Listen to constructive advice.
Thank you, Susan, for your time and sharing.
Interviewer: Kaye Trout - May 25, 2006 - Copyright
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