Saturday, April 15, 2006


Author: Jonathan Foster

Author’s website address:

Published books by the Author: The Autobiography of a Narcissist

Books in Process: Untitled Period Piece

Welcome Jonathan,


1. When and why did you begin writing?
I started writing during my senior year as an undergrad. I was curious and had a teacher who said, "If you want to see if you’re a writer, lock yourself in a room for three days and write non-stop, eight hours a day." So I did that and here I am 20 years later. "Why" is a tougher answer. It’s either that I thought that writing would commit me to knowing myself while satisfying my urge to make meaning from life, or I thought it would sound pretty neat at cocktail parties. Likely, both.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?
For years, I had written for theater and film and became frustrated by how dependent those disciplines are on the approving nod of another. Particularly with screenwriting. You can’t make a movie without loads of money or the adoration, however slight, of someone who has access to it. Having had my work in every stage from fast-track development to sold-and-awaiting-a-greenlight – and seeing only one make it to the screen - is both professionally and creatively frustrating. I have likened it to an architect who draws up his ideas in blueprints but never has a building built. Blueprints intend buildings.

Writing a book meant that I could come to the end of a writing project and hand it to someone as the piece that it is intended to be: a book. POD technology makes this even more viable. Above all, I had an idea for a fictional autobiography, a character and his story that amused me enough to believe it could sustain my creative interest for the time it took to write it. This is not always the case.

3. How did you approach writing your first book?
Every morning at 5AM, slowly and with much insecurity. I didn’t become a writer to write novels, so it was a tough first step to take, especially after years and years of becoming very intimate with my shortcomings as a writer. But now, I’d say I’m walking. Slowly and reaching out for the hand rails.

4. Who or what influenced your writing?
David Mamet for structure; Milan Kundera for freedom; friendships for encouragement.

5. Why do you continue to write?
That’s a another tough one because it feels dangerous to consider. It’s either that I continue to believe it will commit me to knowing myself while satisfying my urge to make meaning from life, or I still think it sounds pretty neat at cocktail parties.

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?

7. What has been your experience as a published writer?
Positive, so far, though I haven’t really had any real experience at it yet. I’ll check in with you on this a ways down the road.

8. How do you promote your book(s)?
I sent out a mass email, created a blog and submitted to contests and reviewers. I’ve also been investigating email-based and newsgroup discussions that would be interested in The Autobiography of a Narcissist. Suggestions in this would be greatly appreciated and rewarded with kind words.

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?
This question makes me feel awkward because I don’t feel I'm not qualified to give generalized advice to any writer, other than write, and what writer doesn't do that?

10. Any other comments you would like to add?
Thank you, Kaye!

Thank you, Jonathan, for sharing your thoughts and time with us.

Interviewer: Kaye Trout - April 15, 2006 - Copyright