Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Author: Sharon Trotter
Author’s website address:
Published books by the Author: Breastfeeding: the essential guide
Books in Process: Baby skincare


1. When and why did you begin writing?

I began writing my book in 2002 whilst still breastfeeding my youngest child (he was 2 yrs old at the time). However what I did not realise is that I have been writing all my life. My Xmas letters are famous and I have always loved keeping in touch with friends and family by letter so I suppose the natural progression was to write for a living. My other passion is baby skincare and I have been writing about this subject since 1996. This work has since been submitted to professional journals and to date I have had 9 articles (on midwifery related subjects) published in professional journals.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?

I was always bemoaning the fact that there was nothing available on breastfeeding that told it like it was, so I decided to write it myself! As a midwife of 20 years and a breastfeeding mother with 7 years personal experience I felt I was well qualified to pass on tips to new mothers and also to professionals who wanted to help breastfeeding parents.

3. How did you approach writing your first book?

Having been to Women-into-Business workshops for a couple of years I could see what NOT to do when starting up your own company. So when the draft copy of my book was getting continual rejections from publishers and literary agents, I decided to go it alone. If I could not prove my passion for the subject of breastfeeding and my absolute belief in my book, who else would? I attracted advertisers from hand-picked companies associated with breastfeeding and baby skincare and raised enough money to finance half the printing costs of my first edition. This was unorthodox but it worked well for me and allowed me to finally see my book in print. I then had to get my book onto the book giant’s website Amazon.co.uk in order to get the word to spread. I sent review copies to midwives, media personalities, Doctors, lactation consultants and breastfeeding associations until I drummed up enough interest for sales to climb. Within a few weeks of publication my book had entered the top 10 breastfeeding books on the UK Amazon site, from a total of 434 other titles, where it has remained ever since! In order to introduce it to the American market I had to open an American bank account (not an easy process!) and find a distributor in the States to organise my Amazon.com orders. I now hope that this new market will embrace the simplicity of my book and that news will spread of my contribution to breastfeeding support for parents and professionals.

4. Who or what influenced your writing?

A desire to help parents in the vital early days of breastfeeding which I know are the most pivotal times in the struggle for success.

5. Why do you continue to write?

Having got the bug, I continue to write papers for professional journals! I also plan to write a new book on baby skincare.

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?

I aim to produce evidence-based information about breastfeeding, baby skincare and other midwifery related subjects. I hope that this will make a difference to how parents approach parenthood and professionals educate the people in their care.

7. What has been your experience as a published writer?

Mostly positive but quite a rollercoaster ride at times! The malicious reviews (2 on Amazon.co.uk) have been extremely upsetting. If these individuals knew how much work, pain, effort and energy went into getting a book self-published they would never have made such hurtful comments.

8. How do you promote your book(s)?

Via Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com, local book shops, my websites, business trade fairs, midwifery conferences, Baby Shows and primarily word-of-mouth.

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?

Never loose site of your original goal and never give up! It may not work out how you planned but at least you can say you have no regrets.

10. Any other comments you would like to add?

Surround yourself with positive people!

Interviewer: Kaye Trout - March 28, 2006 - Copyright