Saturday, March 18, 2006


Author: Rm Lamatt
Author’s website address: N/A

Published books by the Author: Fears Flutterby
Books in Process: The sequel to Fears Flutterby

1. When and why did you begin writing?

I started writing in 1952 when I was fourteen, Long Island, New York. I found it fun.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?
Watching my dear friend fade into Alzheimer’s inspired me and finding love conquers fear.

3. How did you approach writing your first book?
I used tape recording of my thoughts, also small notes scribbled down on napkins and other sources. Finding scenes in my life and writing of them.

4. Who or what influenced your writing?
The fear I had within myself influenced me to write of it.

5. Why do you continue to write?
I continue to write because it makes me learn more aout myself and to pass my thoughts on to someone.

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?
To be a better person through my writing.

7. What has been your experience as a published writer?
Others ask, "How did you find the time?" and "What could you find to write about?" My answers, "You make the time and there is always a throught o write on."

8. How do you promote your book(s)?
Promoting is hard. Mainly now through Yahoo Marketing, Amazon, leaving my book in public places so it can be passed on to others.

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?
Let your fingers do the typing or writing. Keep your conscious brain out of it. Write with the unconscious mind. I found that to be the beneficial and easiest ways of writing. It’s FUN.

10. Any other comments you would like to add?
I’ve found writing is similar to playing an instrument or painting a picture. It all comes down to ‘flow’. Music flows, brushes with paint on them, flow, and writing flows when it’s at its best.

Reviewer: Kaye Trout - March 2006 - Copyright