Thursday, June 08, 2006


Author’s website address:

Books in Print: Those Made to Suffer

Books in Process: TBA

Welcome, Philip.

1. When and why did you begin writing?
My first stab at writing (that I recall, at least) was back in high school. In sophomore English, my teacher had us do a couple creative writing projects over the course of the semester. I was told I had a good writing style and a vivid imagination. I tried writing my first book in college. I got four chapters into it before I realized I had no idea where I was going with the plot (I’ve shelved it for now…I hope to get back to that one later). Why did I begin writing? I treasure books and wanted to write one of my own.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?
My love of books, first and foremost. I was also inspired by all of my favorite authors. I envy them and the great stories they’ve already belted out.

3. How did you approach writing your first book?
Extraordinarily unconventionally. All the "how-to" books I bought suggested writing an outline first, then following that outline. I came up with my title first, the idea second, then worked out the plot as I went. I didn’t know where the story would take me. I would constantly go back and alter the plot to fit an idea I would have later. This may be why it took me four years to write!

4. Who or what influenced your writing?
Again, my utter fascination with the talent of my favorite authors. You’d think every story would’ve been written by now, but they just keep plugging away and creating magic.

5. Why do you continue to write?
I’ve got a lot more to tell!

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?
Inspire others. If you’ve got an idea for a story brewing, get busy! We want to read that story!

7. What has been your experience as a published writer?
Strange for an author to say, but words cannot express how thrilled I am to be a published author! To see my labor of love as an actual, 3-dimensional object that others can purchase and enjoy still amazes me.

8. How do you promote your book(s)?
So far, due to a lack of funds, word-of-mouth has been my primary method of promotion. I have, however, submitted my book to a national writing contest. Additionally, I’ve paid to have my book advertised in ForeWord Magazine with the help of my publisher, as well as going to local bookstores to set-up the process of (hopefully) selling my book through them. Other than that, I have self-made business cards ready to whip-out at a moment’s notice.

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?
Do not give up! Keep writing, no matter what. If you’re passionate about your story, see it through to the end…literally! One more thing…unless you are famous, are related to someone famous, already work in the publishing world, or have a family member or close friend that works in publishing, consider self-publishing. I languished through four year of impersonal form letters from literary agents saying, "Thanks, but, no thanks" to all my query letters. I wasn’t expecting to get picked up by an agent right out of the starting gate, but constant rejection does wear you down a bit. I’m not saying that happens to everyone…just 99% of authors looking for representation! Self-publishing costs money, sure, but, you’re in charge and your book appears as you want it to!

10. Any other comments you would like to add?
Please feel free to visit my website and let me know what you thought of my book. I’d love to hear from you!

Thank you, Philip.

Interviewer: Kaye Trout - May 8, 2006