Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Author’s website address:

Books in Print: Everything You Will Ever Need To Know To Start Driving A Big Truck Or How I Became A Professional Tourist

Books in Process: to be determined

Welcome Steve,

1. When and why did you begin writing? At an early age I started writing songs to go along with my guitar playing. I took a break at that a few years ago, when I realized the market for 40-year-old rock stars was limited at best. And, so writing a book became a logical extension of my previous endeavors.

2. What inspired you to write your first book? My first book was a sort of mini-book summing up all the good ideas that were being sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars at real estate and various investment seminars. I have pretty much seen them all over the years and will say that nearly every one of them has several really good ideas that can make you money, not to mention the fact that some of the marketers are incredibly entertaining public speakers. Unfortunately, these are sold as VERY expensive packages full of books, video recordings, and the like. The truth is that I took all of their good ideas from all of their books, tapes, and seminars, and compiled them into a 20-page booklet that actually covered in detail everything of value they had to offer. "Brevity is the soul of wit," says Mr. Shakespeare. Right? My inspiration was of course, MONEY! Unfortunately, I never really did spend any time trying to market it. While it’s now a little outdated, I might still rewrite it. You never know.

3. How did you approach writing your first book? In writing my first "real" book, the current one that is, I had been thinking about it for several years while gallivanting about the U.S. in various big rigs, talking extensively to myself, and taking lots of photos of the incredible sights I was seeing. I finally just sat down in front of the computer and started writing a chapter at a time, going back again and again, filling in items that had been ignored or those that required further elaboration. Computers are so nice when it comes to editing and deleting and such. Finally after a couple months I felt that I had pretty well covered the necessities.

4. Who or what influenced your writing? I could tell you who influenced my songwriting, but I am really hard pressed to come up with an influence for writing a book. My step dad is a retired publisher from one of those well-known educational publishers, which actually has his name on it. He has also authored several books including his autobiography, which was in part an inspiration for a documentary film about a POW camp in World War ll. That came out a couple years back. Being around someone like that probably moves one’s thought processes in the direction of literary espousal. Maybe, maybe not.

5. Why do you continue to write? I will only write if I feel I have something of relevance to say, and when I don’t I will most certainly just go away. Ahhh poetry indeed. Maybe I’ll use that line when I start writing tunes again, some day. Maybe, maybe not.

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing? I expect to accomplish something different with whatever I do. In regard to my current endeavor, my intentions are to let the many people who get into trucking every year know everything they need to know to get started, what the many surprises are they can expect, how to deal with them effectively, and how to get the most out of their many experiences, and still manage to spend the majority of their time within the comfort zone. That was a long explanation to get out in one breath.

7. What has been your experience as a published writer? Having been a published-book writer for only a few weeks now, I can only say, time will tell. Back in the early 1980’s, when as a published song writer and musician, my first record was released, I was pretty well ecstatic for an extended period of time selling lots of records in Great Britain. I only hope to have a similar experience with my current book. That would be quite satisfactory.

8. How do you promote your book(s)? I probably promote my book a bit differently than someone else. Being that mine is a book about the trucking industry, I have spent a bit of time contacting various folks in the industry (various trucking publications, various trucking affiliated executives, various media outlets, which have in the past shown some affinity toward the plight of the hard working "professional tourist" errr uhhhh truck driver, important people like the President of the United States, but just basically anyone who might pay attention. You never know who is paying attention. Do you?

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers? Persistence is what will pay off more than anything. I got a record deal right out of my basement in Denver, but attempting to get the attention of a myriad of literary agents, who are far too busy (or so they say) to give you the time of day, is like pulling your teeth out with a plumber’s wrench. While my step dad told me that I first needed to acquire the services of a literary agent, I have chosen a different direction and thus far do not regret it. Things are a bit different in today’s world of technology and the opportunities available in regard to writing and publishing your literary masterpieces are unlimited. Be persistent.

10. Any other comments you would like to add? If you have something you want to say, then by all means write it down and get it out there. Nothing more to add. Just do it! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Thanks for tunin’ in. See ya. Out!

Thank you, Steve, and I wish you the best of luck!

Interviewer: Kaye Trout - July 25, 2006 - Copyright


Author's website address:

Books in Print: About 20, including Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Kingdom: The Story of the Hunts of Texas, Alan Shrugged, Heretic: Confessions of an ex-Catholic Rebel, many others.

Books in Process: Gallery of Fools: The True Story of a Celebrated
Manhattan Art Theft

Welcome Jerry,

1. When and why did you begin writing?
I began shortly after finishing college in the late 1950s, out of a sense of frustration and compulsion and a need to put words on paper. In many ways, it was a therapeutic exercise.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?
It was an attempt to make some sense out of the formative years of my life.

3. How did you approach writing your first book?
I just sat down and did it, with no formal training in composition or creative writing. I learned by trial and error.

4. Who or what influenced your writing?
The great American novelists of the early 20th century: Hemingway, Thomas Wolfe, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, others.

5. Why do you continue to write?
It's what I do best, my defining talent. I still have a compulsion to write.

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?
I hope to leave a legacy, a body of work that will be recognized as a significant contribution to the literature of our time.

7. What has been your experience as a published writer?
Extreme highs and lows. A couple of best-sellers or near best-sellers followed by books that sold poorly and received few reviews. It is still frustrating dealing with publishers in an increasingly competitive environment, fighting for shelf space in bookstores, and for media attention to gain traction for a book.

8. How do you promote your book(s)?
Press releases, radio and TV interviews, reviews by contacts in the media.

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?
Don't write unless you feel you have no choice. It's too frustrating and you can make a lot more money and save yourself a lot of grief by pursuing a different career.

Thank you.

Interviewer: Kaye Trout - July 26, 2006 - Copyright

Friday, July 14, 2006


Author's website address:

Books in Print:

The Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery series:

Deadly Trail ISBN 0-7599-0461-8 E-book & trade paperback
Eppie Finalist $10.95

Deadly Omen ISBN 1-891940-03-1
http://www.goldeneaglepress.commass market paperback $7.95 or E-book from

Unequally Yoked ISBN 1-891940-05-8 mass market paperback $7.95 E-book from

Intervention ISBN 1-891940-07-4 mass market paperback $7.95 E-book from Bloody Dagger Award

Wing Beat ISBN 1-891940-08-2
http://www.goldeneaglepress.commass market paperback $7.95 Soon E-book from Best Mystery, American Authors Association

Other mysteries:

Astral Gift ISBN 1-58124-182-2 E-book, trade paperback $13.99

Guilt by Association ISBN 1-928602-68-1 (MountainView label) e-book, trade paperback, $10.95, Publisher’s Choice Best Mystery/Suspense

Rocky Bluff P.D. series:

Final Respects 1-58124-742-7 E-book, trade paperback $13.99

Bad Tidings 1-58124-788-5 E-book, trade paperback $12.99

Kachima Spirit ISBN 0-7599-0099-X E-book, trade paperback $10.95 Eppie Finalist

The first chapters of most books can be read on the author’s website. Most books can be purchased from the author’s website as well as the publisher’s. Other books by Marilyn on the website are: The Choice, Deeds of Darkness, a Hollywood Book Festival honorary mention, and Cup of Demons, Christian horror, and Two Ways West, Historical Family Saga.

Books in Process: Calling the Dead, the next in the Deputy Tempe Crabtree series, coming from Mundania Press.

Welcome, Marilyn,

1. When and why did you begin writing?

I’ve written all my life, short stories, plays, newsletters, and some novels that I gave up on after the first rejection.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?

My sister did our family genealogy and there were so many mysteries, I decided to write a book about each side of the family and try to find out why some things happened.

3. How did you approach writing your first book?

My sister did the hard part, then I had to research the places the family was during the time they were there. I incorporated historical fact with family stories and of course, fiction.

4. Who or what influenced your writing?

I’ve always been a voracious reader, mainly mysteries, and I would say all the authors of the books I’ve loved have a great influence on me. Also, I have an author friend, Willma Gore, who was a great help to me for over twenty years as we belonged to the same critique group.

5. Why do you continue to write?

More people and their stories inhabit my brain and I’m compelled to put it all down in my computer. I can’t imagine not writing. I switched to writing mysteries and Christian horror as those were the kind of books that I liked to read.

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?

When I first began, I just wanted my family to know how strong and adventurous their ancestors were—and I must admit, I’d been influenced by some wonderful historical romances.

7. What has been your experience as a published writer?

I’ve had a great time as a published writer. In my little hometown I’m somewhat of a celebrity. I also love helping other writers and have done a lot of that as a Writer’s Digest School instructor, through my own writing class, and mentoring friends who are writers. Also, I enjoy attending mystery and other writing cons. Because of these, I’ve made so many wonderful friends.

8. How do you promote your book(s)?

I do everything I can think of. I particularly like talking to groups at libraries and other venues, giving writing workshops at writer’s conferences, going to book festivals. Of course I use the Internet to promote my books too. I have a website,, a blog
and an e-mail newsletter.

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?

For new writers, have a regular time for writing and stick to it. Learn as much as possible about the craft of writing. It’s okay to break rules once you actually know what they are. Don’t get discouraged. Perseverance counts in this business.

10. Any other comments you would like to add?

Thank you for this opportunity. It’s always fun to discuss the writing life. I’m also open to people e-mailing me to ask me questions and subscribing to my newsletter.

Thank you for your time.

Interviewer: Kaye Trout - July 14, 2006 - Copyright

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Author’s website address:

Books in Print: Young Female, Traveling Alone

Books in Process: don’t have a title yet

Welcome Anne-Marie,

1. When and why did you begin writing?
I only began writing about two years ago when I got back from my long travels in Asia. I decided my trip was something I should write about to tell the whole world what I have seen and learnt.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?
My travels of 7 months in Asia.

3. How did you approach writing your first book?
I wrote my first book like a travel journey, even though the story it is partially fiction.

4. Who or what influenced your writing?
I think there are many great authors out there who influenced my writing, but I will mention a couple: Cleo Odzer, Alex Garland and Sarah Macdonald.

5. Why do you continue to write?
I enjoyed writing my first book so I thought I should write another one. Plus, I got good feedback on my first book, so I might as well try to do better next time.

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?
My goals are to become a good writer. I would like to be able to play with words in the most artistic way to achieve credibility as an author.

7. What has been your experience as a published writer?
I have self-published my first book "Young Female, Traveling Alone." I found it hard to promote a self-published book. Not everybody gives you credibility as a self-publish author.

8. How do you promote your book(s)?
I send the book for reviews and I have a website that promotes my book.

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?
If you want to succeed, you have to write something good. Once you have something of quality, then just believe in your work and make as much publicity as you can.

10. Any other comments you would like to add?
Thank you for interviewing me.

Thank you for your time, Anne-Marie.

Interviewer: Kaye Trout - July 12, 2006 - Copyright

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Author's website address:

Books in Print: Children of Rhatlan, Tamshi’s Imp, Seeds of Vision, and Amber in the Over World

Books in Process: Women of Moreri

Welcome Jonathan,

1. When and why did you begin writing?
I started making up fantastic stories when I was in preschool, before I could write at all. I’d illustrate them and have one of my parents or a teacher write in what I dictated. In grammar school, I began reading voraciously, and began writing my own stories in middle school. Even then, I loved fantasy and had the urge to create stories myself.

2. What inspired you to write your first book?
That depends on what you call my first book! I wrote a novelette and a novella my senior year of high school, for my creative writing class. I then wrote a novel during my first couple years of college. Those books aren’t in print for a reason! They were excellent practice, but my first novel that I really feel belongs in print is Children of Rhatlan.

What inspired me to write it was that I had already written a couple of stories about duals. I came up with the concept back in 1995. I loved the idea and felt that it had a lot of potential that I wanted to explore. Plus, I loved, and still love, the main characters.

3. How did you approach writing your first book?
I wrote the first draft in about a month and a half. Believe me, it was definitely what you’d call a rough draft. After some excellent comments and criticism, I let the story mature in my mind for a few months. When I got back to it, I decided to write the book from scratch. It’s the same basic story, just much better. Also, some of the ideas I came up with in the first draft didn’t find their way into the final draft, but will appear in the sequel, Women of Moreri.

4. Who or what influenced your writing?
Many people, books, and so on have influenced my writing over the years. I learned a lot of the basics from my high school creative writing teacher, Jim Weir, and gained an increased appreciation for literature from my English teacher that same year, Steve Wong. Since then I’ve been influenced by writers I enjoy, some excellent books on writing, and many of my writer friends, including Kevin Andrew Murphy, Elizabeth Barrette, Steve Savile, and Steve Lazarowitz. I must give special mention to Lee Killough, who I was lucky enough to have as a writing teacher through correspondence. She has a lasting influence on my style.

5. Why do you continue to write?
I think a lot of writers would give you the same answer I’m about to: I’m driven to write. I can’t not write. Even when I’m taking a break from fiction, I fill my personal journal and my blogs with my thoughts. I also correspond with friends via e-mail and write book reviews. I find fiction the most rewarding, though.

6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?
Through my writing, I hope to have fun, entertain as many people as possible, share my perspective on the world with others, make good supplemental income for my family, and leave something behind for future generations.

7. What has been your experience as a published writer?
That’s a big question! It’s had high and low points, for certain. Some high points: getting a story accepted for Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine, being asked to create ten background characters for a comic and being paid $200 to do it (sadly, that comic never saw print though), and receiving many glowing reviews of my books. Some of the low points: difficulties with my first two publishers, and big agents signing me on because they liked my work but the publishing houses virtually ignoring my work. That’s why I finally decided to take hold of my career and self publish.

8. How do you promote your book(s)?
I mostly promote through MySpace. That’s been a fairly successful avenue. I keep a blog about my creative work. Now and then, I post bulletins when I’ve been reviewed, interviewed, or am going to make an appearance. Plus, I’ve made some good friends there, which is a wonderful bonus.

I also have postcards for Children of Rhatlan, which I had printed up several years ago. I still have a few thousand of them! I also ordered cheap business cards through Vista Print, but formatted them as bookmarks, for Tamshi’s Imp and Amber in the Over World. They have a bit of cover art and basic information about each book on the front, and calendars on the back.

I seek out reviewers and interviewers, which also helps to get the word out about my books.

9. What advice would you like to share with other writers?
Mostly, the basic advice: write and read often. Learn correct grammar and, if you’re submitting to magazines or publishers, read and follow their guidelines.

As far as publishing goes, consider many options. Getting published through a major house is one way to go, but it’s not the only way. If you choose to self publish, make sure your book is as good or better than books by the major publishers. Take the craft seriously, and people will take you seriously.

10. Any other comments you would like to add?
I want to thank you for the interview opportunity! The reviews, I knew were coming! This was a great, unexpected surprise!

Thank you for your time!

Interviewer: Kaye Trout - July 11, 2006 - Copyright