Author’s website address:
Books in Print: Hooked on a Horn, Memoirs of a Recovered Musician; Going to Court, A Poetry Tribute to Tennis
Books in Process: The Runner A Collection of Short Stories.
Welcome Gene,
1. When and why did you begin writing?
1992, book of poetry. Boredom and the desire for creative expression.
2. What inspired you to write your first book?
Visualizing the finished product of a completely original work.
3. How did you approach writing your first book?
By sitting down at the computer and reeflecting on scenes I experienced on public tennis courts with other hackers. Visualized a format, assembled old poems and wrote new ones.
4. Who or what influenced your writing?
The memoir and short stories: The faculty at Florida International University and the works of bundles of authors.
5. Why do you continue to write?
I feel compelled to - guilty if I don, and excited and delighted when I write a few lines that really made sense. I was driven to write the memoir because I thought it might help young musicians and give raders in general a true, un-glamorized view of what it was like to pursue a career in music in those times.
6. What do you hope to accomplish through your writing?
Satisfaction with learning to write well, and possibly recognition of some of my writing by good writers.
7. What has been your experience as a published writer?
Promoting your book(s) can be a full-time job, if you expect to make any money at all from it.
8. How do you promote your book(s)?
Internet, press - when I can get it, radio - when it is offered, ferocious e-mailing to my list, Networking, joining local organifzations, talking to published authors, handing out cards and book marks. All of which is weak, compared to my goal, i.e., sell enough books to justify expenses and keep writing. However, I'm working on it. Am getting a publicist and someone to help me organize a business plan. The fun part is the writing.
9. What advice would you like to share with other writers? Writing well is a serious commitment. Read, read, read. Join writing critique groups -- a must! Critique your own work constantly.
10. Any other comments you would like to add? When I dry up and start writing drivel, I take a break. Get some rest. Read for several weeks . . . anything good. I come back to writing and re-writing refreshed. Usually works for me.
Thank you, Gene.
Interviewer: Kaye Trout - August 30, 2006